St George's Day 2020.
Landlady’s son Oli Haynes of the Live & Let Live, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, making the final touches to their St George’s Day decorations. Despite having to close because of corona virus that pub is adapting to the situation by offering a beer take-away se…
Patrons of the The Railway Tavern,Dereham,Norfolk,UK celebrating as the clock struck eleven pm, signifying Britain’s exit from the EU, Friday 31st January 2020..
Richard Mabey
Author & naturalist Richard Mabey
Extinction Rebellion, King's Lynn (7 new items)
Pupils from King Edward VII Academy, KIng's Lynn, Norfolk, UK protest against climate change.
Green Party Norwich (7 new items)
Campaigning in Norwich with Rupert Read
New Hall Art Collection, Cambridge
Statuary and artworks at the New Hall Art collection, Cambridge, UK