Clive Lewis
Labour MP for Norwich.
Labour MP for Norwich.
Pic by Si Barber - 07739 472 922 Coldham Co-Op wind farm, Cambs.
Christina Norton of Seriously Responsible Print at her offices in Norwich, UK.
Author of Stig of the Dump
Christian Blackshaw, British classical pianist
A merchant's house preserved as it would have been in the 18th Century.
primary school children reading and learning from each other
©Si Barber/07739 472 922.Participants in the Stilton Cheese Rolling Competition in Stilton, Cambs which takes place each year to comemmorate the production of the cheese in the town.
On the hustings with Charles Clarke, candidate for Norwich South at Violet Elvin Court residential home Stannard Road, Norwich, Norfolk.
Soldiers of 'C' Company Parachute Regiment holding a press conference at Colchester Garrison, Essex
Elveden, Norfolk
Canoeing on the Norfolk Broads with Nicola Iseard and Mark Wilkinson aka The Canoe Man.