Closed truckstop on the A12, Essex
Image by Si Barber
A participant with their face black-up at the Strawbear Festival Whittlesey, Cambs
The White Hart public house in King's Lynn, Norfolk,UK, on its last day of trading under the then landlord.
The White Hart public house in King's Lynn, Norfolk,UK, on its last day of trading under the then landlord.
The former Hole In The Wall pub, Spalding,Lincolnshire,UK
The former Hole In The Wall pub, Spalding,Lincolnshire,UK
Si Barber
The Black Bull, 72 Fleet St, Holbeach, Spalding, Lincolnshire
Si Barber
The Black Bull, 72 Fleet St, Holbeach, Spalding, Lincolnshire
Corona Virus Images.
Practising Parkour in The Walks, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, UK, during the corona virus pandemic.
Corona Virus Images.
Haircare hairdressers in King’s Lynn, Norfolk,UK stating their closure due to the corona virus pandemic.
Si Barber
Billboard posters in King’s Lynn,Norfolk,UK.
Si Barber
Disused garage on the A149, Norfolk,UK.
Si Barber
Disused garage on the A149, Norfolk,UK.
Si Barber
Disused garage on the A149, Norfolk,UK.
Image by Si Barber
Garden Street Jewellers, Cromer, Norfolk,UK.
Si Barber
Fishmonger Mr G R Bunning completing a mackerel gutting time trial, organised to encourage visitors back to #Swaffham Market dur…