©Si Barber. Moral rights asserted.
Pic by Si Barber - 07739 472 922
A new computer system to help the Police manage their time more efficiently has been put into practice at Peterborough Crown Court.
The Web based system called ?Xhibit? is designed to allow Police Officers and those involved in cases to track the progress of events from the internet or even a mobile phone.
The aim of the system is to cut down on the amount of time the officers have to spend in court premises waiting for cases to be heard.
When they are required as part of the judicial procedure they can now be called to court via text message and can track hearings online via the internet, with the current status of a case posted on the Court?s website.
The new technology is being rolled out to courts across the country with the aim of all courts taking up the system so officers can spend more time on the streets fighting crime and disorder. 15.03.05