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Whittlesey Straw Bear Festival
Celebrating the beginning of the agricultural year the Strawbear commemorates the times when unemployed agricultural workers danced and sang in return for alms.
Si Barber
Male participant at the 2023 Straw Bear Festivel, Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,UK.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Si Barber
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Staw Bear festival in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire,2020.
Image by Si Barber
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted. Amorris dancer with the emblem of the Sutton Hoo helmet on her costume
Strawbear Festival 2017.
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted. Molly dancers at the Strawbear Festival 2017.
Strawbear Festival 2017.
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted. Molly dancers at the Strawbear Festival 2017.
Strawbear Festival 2017.
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted. Molly dancers at the Strawbear Festival 2017.
Strawbear Festival 2017.
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted. Molly dancers at the Strawbear Festival 2017.
Strawbear Festival 2017.
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted. Molly dancers at the Strawbear Festival 2017.
Strawbear Festival 2017.
©Si Barber Moral rights asserted. Molly dancers at the Strawbear Festival 2017.